
Can Coffee Actually Lower Your Risks For Cancer

Many Studies Show Coffee To Lower Risks For Cancer

For years, the World Health Organization described coffee as “possibly carcinogenic,” and it had even linked it to increased risks of bladder cancer. However, an announcement made in 2016 reversed all of that with an announcement that found it had quite the opposite effects.

The New York Times reports that drinking coffee has been shown to lower rates of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, neurological disorders and several types of cancers. Now there is strong evidence that three to five cups of coffee a day could reduce several systemic diseases, including multiple types of cancer.

Why is Coffee Suddenly Good?

For years, studies have shown a link between the consumption of coffee and increased risks for cancers and increased mortality rates. Sudden changes in these results can raise questions. When looking into the change in research Web M.D. discusses that early studies failed to take into consideration other high-risk activities.

Coffee drinkers who smoked three packs of cigarettes a day were evaluated similarly to coffee drinkers who were nonsmokers. The same was true of other risk factors like physical inactivity. Heavy coffee drinkers tended to have higher than average risks from other sources for cancers. This oversight is possibly one of the reasons that coffee had such a bad reputation.

How Does Coffee Fight Cancer?

So what is it about coffee that helps fight off cancer? There are several ways that the consumption of coffee has been linked to the reduction of risk for various cancers.

Depending on the type of gene a woman has, drinking at least two to three cups of coffee daily can reduce risks for developing breast cancer or possibly delay its onset (Lund University and Malmö University in Sweden)

Oral cancer is reduced by 39% when 4 or more cups of coffee are consumed a day (American Association For Cancer Research)
Researchers at the University of Southern California Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center of Keck Medicine examined more than 5,100 men and women who were suffering from colorectal cancer and also 4,000 women and men who have never suffered from the diseases (control group). Researchers reported the finding that coffee was associated with a lower risk of colorectal cancer, and the more coffee the subjects drank, the lower their risk became.

Both men and women see a 40% reduction in certain forms of brain cancer (Holick, et al, published on The American Association For Cancer Research)

Colon cancer patients saw a decrease in recurrence of 42% with 4 or more cups of coffee a day.

3 cups of coffee a day can delay the onset of breast cancers (WebMD)

41% reduction in liver cancer risk if you drink 1-3 cups of coffee a day (Bravi et al, Meta-Analysis study conducted at the Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri in Milan, Italy)

Coffee drinkers are less likely to develop melanoma, a deadly form of skin cancer. (Loftfield, et al, published in The Journal of the National Cancer Institute)

60% reduction in prostate cancer risk by men who consume 6 cups of coffee a day (Science Daily)

Women who consume 3 cups of coffee have lowered uterine cancer rates

All this new research has come out in the last 20 years to show how the longevity of coffee drinkers varies, and their long-term risks are lowered.

Is All Coffee The Same?

We have already discussed how coffees that are laden with heavy creams and sugars will not have the same health benefits as black coffee. However, what about the different beans, roasts and brewing methods? According to Science Daily, the beneficial compounds per serving of coffee vary depending on the bean, the roasting method, and the brewing method.

What does this mean for you and the reduced risk of cancer?
Well, it may not mean that much. One study showed a decreased risk for colorectal cancer regardless of what flavor or for the coffee was.

Coffee February Even Help If You Already Have Cancer

While many studies focused on the reduction of risk that coffee can give a person for getting cancer, one unique study looked at the effects of coffee on those who already had cancer. This study followed people who were in stage III colon cancer. This study found that in those who had remission from their cancer, drinking two cups of coffee daily was associated with a reduced risk of cancer recurrence and even death from colon cancer. CBS News reports that this protection was even higher for those who were drinking four to five cups of coffee daily.

The interesting part of this study was that it analyzed the consumption of non-herbal teas, decaf coffee or single cup of coffee drinks. There was no significant benefit to any of those who drank those beverages. The benefit was only seen when two or more caffeinated coffee beverages were drunk daily.

Is Coffee A Magic Bullet?

When it comes to health and reduced risks for cancer, anything that has the track record for risk reduction that coffee does could easily be labeled a magic bullet. The thing to remember about coffee is that it does not come without its own set of risks. Those who are sensitive to caffeine may not find the 3-4 cups of coffee a day necessary to reduce cancer risk tolerable. High levels of caffeine can also interfere with your sleep cycle and can cause irritations to the bladder and bowel.

If you already love coffee, here is just another reason to fill your mug. If you can’t stand the stuff, you can get antioxidants from plenty of other sources. Though they may not have the same effect that coffee does, they probably won’t leave you with the jitters either. Coffee is one drink that may do more than just wake you up.

Can Coffee Really Lower Cancer Risk?

I know it sounds like something that is too good to be true. This news is exciting, especially if you are one of the millions of Americans who wake up every day to one or more cups of coffee. Early research showed that coffee might have increased the risk of cancer, so what changed?

According to the American Cancer Society, the scale and design of the studies have been the main factors in changing these conclusions. The ACS also notes that these studies are based on black coffee. When a news article talks about the benefits of 4 cups of coffee a day, they don’t mean coffee loaded with cream or sugar. Those coffee drinks with added fat and calories may increase weight and cause an increase in risk for certain types of cancer.

What’s In Coffee That Makes It So Great?

Now that we have established that coffee can help to lower the risk of cancer, what exactly is in coffee that makes it a good cancer fighter?

According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, several things in coffee make it a likely cancer fighter.

Chlorogenic Acid: An antioxidant and major phenol in coffee

Quinic Acid: A phytochemical in coffee that gives it its acidic taste

Cafestol: Only found in unfiltered coffee like French press or boiled coffee

Kahweol: Only found in unfiltered coffee like French press or boiled coffee

Caffeine: Stimulates the central nervous system

N-Methylpyridinium (NMB): An antioxidant in coffee that is created through the roasting process

Riboflavin: Vitamin B2

Antioxidants, phytochemicals, phenols, and vitamins all play an important role in the body. While the research is still out on exactly how these compounds work within the human system, it is known that they can help reduce the risks of many diseases and cancers.


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